K2RV Capital
Company Insights
Core strategy features development of
new premium buildings
- Favorable emplacements
- Architecture & Design as enablers for new demand
- Faster and more efficient construction using LSF
- Procurement; cost optimization
- Disciplined project management
- Promotion & Networking on disposal
Shaping new solutions in construction techniques. LSF as the base technology allowing more sustainable projects, shorter lead-times for customers and faster returns for investors
reduction in
Innovation / Technology: “Light Steel Framing”
Innovation / Technology: “Light Steel Framing”
This construction technology is an excellent alternative to masonry. Consisting of lightweight steel, this framing allows:
- Easy building processes, not requiring heavy machinery to assemble, and still extremely robust.
- Shorter and predictable construction schedule
- Great structural safety - non-combustible material
- Anti-seismic and weather resistant; less likelihood of structural damage and cracking:
- Excellent thermic and acoustic isolation; more resistance and adaptation to humidity.
- Easy to execute post-conclusions interventions (changes, repairs, etc.)